

keyboard shortcuts

Main window

[F1] : Open the “Decoder selection” page
[F2] : Open the “Address and settings” page
Etc… : And so on for all the pages
[Ctrl + S] : Save the current locomotive file

In the CV list :
[Suppr] : Delete selected CV
[DOUBLE CLICK] on a CV to edit

In a page (Address, speed, etc…)
[Ctrl + C] : Calculate and update the CV list
[Ctrl + E] : Send CVs from this page to decoder
[Ctrl + R] : Receive CVs from this page from decoder

Test bench page

[ENTER] : Turn on / off track power
[SPACEBAR] : Stop locomotive (speed to 0)
[Home] : Minimum speed
[End] : Maximum speed
[PAGE UP] : Half maximum speed
[PAGE DOWN] : Half minimum speed
[+] : Increase speed
[-] : Decrease speed
[0] : Turn on / off the lights function (function no. 0)
[1] : Turn on / off the function no. 1
[2] : Turn on / off the function no. 2
Etc… and so on to function no. 9

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